Counseling Services Offered

Providing compassionate, no cost, nonclinical pastoral counseling and chaplaincy services for individuals and families in need through Christs love.

Marriage/Pre Marriage and Family Care
man in white crew neck t-shirt sitting beside woman in white crew neck t-shirt
man in white crew neck t-shirt sitting beside woman in white crew neck t-shirt

Support for couples and families navigating challenges and enhancing relationships. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. PLEASE consider pre marriage counseling.

a person standing on top of a mountain
a person standing on top of a mountain
landscape photography of person's hand in front of sun
landscape photography of person's hand in front of sun
Addiction Support Services

Helping individuals and families find healing and recovery from addiction through pastoral care.

Guidance through grief and loss, offering support and understanding during difficult times.

Grief and Loss Care
Parental Support
child and parent hands photography
child and parent hands photography

Raising kids is hard. Let us help you with every step of development.

a green jeep parked in front of a brick building
a green jeep parked in front of a brick building
person on mountain beside body of water
person on mountain beside body of water
Chaplaincy Services

We partner with a wonderful Chaplain. He does hospital visits, weddings, and funerals. We do not directly offer these services.

You do not have to walk alone. We do not diagnose illness, nor prescribe medication, but can help identify if you may need to see a doctor.

Individual Counseling
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flag of U.S.A.
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black wooden house
Military/First Responders

You do not have to ask why, or why me. You are not alone.

We can help you get connected to a local church if you do not have one or are not happy with the one you already attend.

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